Tuesday, December 12, 2006

We're getting there...

Currently, we're sitting in the Singapore airport waiting for our last flight. We are pretty tired from the first few, especially the one from LAX to Taipei that was 14 hours. It was on Sinapore Air, though, which leads me to the top 3 reasons why Singapore Air is the greatest airline of all time. 1. We received 3 full meals as well as snacks. Wine was on the house. They give you hot towels to wipe off (bathe?) with. Your own personal TV and video game system is nice. Ok, that was four, and I'm cutting myself off there. Anyway, despite being tired, we're excited to get to Kolkata later tonight. It's around 1:00 pm right now in Singapore, and we'll get to Kolkata at 8:30 tonight. We'll update you next from there. Until then, keep sleeping.


erinelizabeth said...

nice clock--i love knowing what time it is where you are! do you think it's weird that it's 8:45 in India and it's 9:15 here? that struck me as odd because i thought time changes only changed the hour, not half hours.

James Miller said...

That's an interesting point Erin. Anyway, Singapore Air sounds pretty sweet. That sounds comparable to my flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines). However, my flight from Minneapolis to Amsterdam on Northwest--not that great.

Anonymous said...

I think that you guys should identify yourselves...and I hope that you made it okay. Hooray!

Katy said...

Hey Compstons, so good to hear that your safe! I've heard Singapore Airlines is one of the nicest. Glad your being "pampered" the eastern way! Becky, not to make you jealous or anything but I can now officially "withstrain" a child at PRC :)! And we're going to start taking 8 year olds...yes, scary. I miss you guys greatly and keep us updated! LOVE katy

the bear said...

Welcome to East Asia! I'm glad to hear that you guys had what sounds like a pleasant flight, although I'm sure you're jealous that you didn't get to travel via Indian Air -- the only sky pirates that serve salted lemon water and curried mula sahk for lunch. Looking forward to hearing about your time here...holler at Lacy Jones if you get a chance!